Blending my Way...

Howdy friends...
"A nice blend of prediction and surprise seem to be at the heart of the best art."
Today I am writing about the Blending Pictures. Normally Blending means Join or Mix  together, and in the blending of pics, one have to take care of the pics like his favourite one. However this blending goes for a fruitful research and making the art looks even better than it is used to be, adding more colours from the usual picture and making it possible to get more and more praised. Blending pictures of different exposures together in order to create a natural looking image with a greater dynamic range and even more that that, is the way of blending pictures. Now, I like to show you an example of the Blending my Way...

Here is the first picture in which there is sunset along with a quiet sea along. This picture is surely a magnificent one. I got this one from the Internet.

This picture below was also taken from the Internet and I can say this photo is one of the finest picture. Here is a tree which is going to increase the beauty of the blending, and on the other side we can see there is a sunset in this pic also, and this thing is quite common in both of the pics i had taken, and also the clouds are common. Actually this thing works for a better blend, if we have sort of common pics. Now let us see what the blending can be from this two pics.

Here is our final picture, The Blended Picture, in the other way its Blending my Way. I made sure to add some soft-light in this pics and some sort of effects and do played with the curves a little bit. This pic which we obtained from the blending contain qualities of both of the pics above. I am sure you also like the final pic.

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